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Best Songs of 2002

Here is a list of my favourite songs of 2002.

  1. Get Free - The Vines
  2. Outtathaway - The Vines
  3. No One Knows - The Queens of the Stone Age
  4. Being Followed - Rocket Science
  5. Webgirl - Земфира
  6. Р - Земфира
  7. Arse Huggin' Pants - Spiderbait
  8. Hotel Yorba - White Stripes
  9. Fall Down - Jebediah
  10. Goodbye - Coral
  11. Factory - The Vines
  12. She Hates Me - Puddle Of Mudd
  13. Sister Europe - Foo Fighters
  14. Times Like These - Foo Fighters
  15. Знак бесконечность - Земфира
  16. Мачо - Земфира
  17. Паранойя - Земфира
  18. Трафик - Земфира




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